X. Mao, Y. Hatanaka, H. Higashida and A. Imamiya:
“Image-Guided Streamline Placement on Curvilinear Grid Surfaces,”
To appear in the Proceedings of IEEE Visualization’98, October 1998.
C. Meng, M. Yasue, A. Imamiya and X. Mao:
“Visualizing Histories for Selective Undo and Redo,”
July 1998, Proc. APCHI98, Hayama, Japan, pp.459-464.
X. Mao, L. Hong, N. Fujita, M. Kikukawa, A. Kaufman and A. Imamiya:
“Multi-Granularity Noise for Curvilinear Grid LIC,”
June 1998, Proc.Graphics Interface 98, Vancouver, Canada, pp.193-200.
N. Fujita, M. Kikukawa, X. Mao and A. Imamiya:
“Acceleration of Solid Texturing-Based 3D LIC,”
Proceedings of IASTED International Conference on Computer Graphics and Imaging, pp.175-178, 1998.
H. Yamada, F. Fukumoto and A. Imamiya:
“6q Reference Analysis of Deictic Expressions to Visual Objects,”
September 1997, Proc. RANLP97, Bulgaria, pp.300-305.
C. Zhou and A. Imamiya:
“Object-based Nonlinear Undo model,”
Aug. 1997 Proc.IEEE COMPSAC97.Washington DC USA, pp.50-55.
C. Zhou and A. Imamiya:
“Object-Based Linear Undo Model,”
July 1997, INERACT97IFIP, Sydney, Australia, pp.252-259.
C. Zhou and A. Imamiya:
“Object-based Undo model,”
June 1997, 4th Eurographics Workshop on Design,Specification, and Verification of interactive system, Granada Spain, pp.361-375.
X. Mao, N. Fujita, M. Kikukawa, A. Imamiya:
“Line Integral Convolution for Arbitrary 3D Surface through Solid Texturing,”
April 1997, Proceedingd of 8th Eurographics Workshop on Visualization in Scientific computating, France, pp.67-76.
A. Imamiya and D. Zhang:
“Geometric Model and Visualization of Breaking Waves,”
April 1997, in Visualization and Modeling Earnshaw,ed), Academic Press, pp.359-371.
X. Mao:
“Splatting of Non Rectilinear Volumes through Stochastic Resampling,”
IEEE Transaction on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Vol.2, No.2, pp.156-170, 1996.
D. Zhang and A. Imamiya:
“Application of genetic algorithms for modeling breaking waves,”
Nov.1995, Proceeding of the fourth International Conference on CAD/CG, pp.351-356 China.
D. Zhang and A. Imamiya:
“Modelling breaking ocean waves,”
Aug.1995, Computer graphics and applications (Pacific Graphics’95), World Scientific Publishing Co. pp.253-264 Korea.
A. Imamiya and T. Sakamoto:
“Rotating objects using dials,”
July 1995, Synbiosis of Human and Artifact (HCI’95) Elsevier Science, B.V. pp.731-736, Yokohama.
“GUIの基礎 ,”(翻訳)
June 1995, 日経BP出版センター, pp.242.