Ye-Ji Jin Pukyong, Masaki Omata, Won-Du Chang, Xiaoyang Mao: Augmented Aroma: The Influence of Augmented Particles’ Movement and Color on Emotion during Olfactory Perception, POSTER SESSIONS, The 29th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST), 2023年10月9日-11日.
Masaki Omata and Shingo Ito: Electro-Oculographic Discrimination of Gazing Motion to a Smartphone Notification Tone, 7th International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications (CHIRA 2023), #26, pp.34-46, Friday, November 17th 2023.
Ye-ji Jin, Masaki Omata, Won-Du Chang, Xiaoyang Mao, The Impact of Visual Augmentation on the Olfactory System: An Emotion Analysis Using EEG, Korean Society for EEG and Neurophysiology (KEEG), 年次学術大会, Abstract, December 1–2, 2023.